Thursday, December 08, 2005

mad dash...

Two days ago, I decided to try and scope out the malls. Y'know the feeling when you're walking the aisles, then you see a window display and you just think of someone...FUCK! I forgot to buy him/her a gift! Well...I was doing that. Trying to jolt my mind into remembering all the people I should buy gifts for.

I was out with my sister and my brother's fiance...when Edissa (the fiance) decided to do her xmas shopping. I was fine with it until she told us she had 21 FRIGGIN GODCHILDREN!!! (if I remember correctly...) How the hell were we supposed to deal with that? Plus the added pressure of my own list of goodies I had to buy (my mom decided to humor me last minute when she suddenly gave me a shopping list before we headed out)...and her list wasn't simple either! I had to buy goild foil (to make crowns for my tita's presentation - refer to prior posts), then I had to look for acrylic gems that she would use to adorn the crown, there was also the great hunt to find readily available official receipt forms (man! I had no idea there were lots of them: OR, PR, invoice...) and of course, a new tube of dog shampoo...I remember I have to give the doggies a bath before my little birthday gathering on Sunday.

Needless to say, I was thankful I decided to wear slippers that day.

It doesn't even end there. I saw this cool bag that was on sale and then I saw a pair of sunglasses (the exact same ones I've been drooling over for a few weeks now - much thanks to my sister's hawkeye vision) so I was stuck! I mean talk about dilemma huh?

I finally decided to buy the bag earlier (via my sister who went out to meet old if she didn't have her wisdom tooth extracted) and I also told her to get the shampoo (which we forgot to buy...)

Don't you just love xmas? It's a whole new level of stress...

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