Tuesday, April 29, 2008

surrounded by a wall of books

Well, I might not be doing anything productive most part of the day but I find my blog seriously lacking updates. I really don't know why this is the case. Apparently, gone are the days when I have the gusto to update my blog three times in one day.

Does this mean my life has become so utterly boring that I have nothing left to share? Or that my mind has gone numb and I can't even rant off into empty space like I used to? I don't know the answers to these questions, truly. I still find myself having much to say in terms of opinion but I guess I've become more prudent in dispensing my thoughts.

Does stepping away from the limelight point towards a deep seated depression? I'd prefer to interpret my lack of hunger for scene-stealing as a sign of maturity. It could be pompous of me to say so but I've found it more satisfying to choose the calibre of the people I converse with better.

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