Saturday, April 15, 2006

"normal" is the catchword...

Besides the sweltering heat (which is, unfortunately, quite normal) nothing is playing out in the normal boring way this summer...

I actually signed up for a summer job! This money-earning (hopefully) stunt of mine comes in the form of my sister's job. I won't be wasting time this summer playing in any sizzling beaches...

Course Card day is just around the corner and freakishly enough, I'm not worried!?!?! Usually, two weeks before this fatefull day, I can't eat, sleep, talk, or display any "normal" human behavior. For the first time in my college life (not counting my OJT grades of course!) I feel kinda good about my grades. I just hope my Statistics subject doesn't disappoint me...

I'm also in a slump nowadays...picture this: if I were stuck in a movie right now, it would be in black and white AND Death Cab for Cutie's "Sound of Settling" would be looping endlessly in the background...

Things have changed a lot...when I was still a kid, our Holy Week was spent indoors and we only went out for the "Visita Iglesia". Yesterday (Good Friday...the day when my grandparents were at their strictest!!!) I went out and saw kids running around, old women playing bingo in the streets and I was just like: "Whoa! This is like sooooo not 'normal'!"

I just hope things pick up soon, I'm sooooo anticipating change!!!

1 comment:

tattoed said...

yah...things have been different...there are a lot of traditions na hindi na ginagawa...sigh...oh well...goodluck on your Course card day! :)...let me know kung ano ang nangyari sa grades mo :) Goodluck!