Sunday, August 26, 2007

going with the flow...

...sometimes, saying as much means you're doing a good thing, but then again, many would argue that simply going "with the flow" makes for a very boring and "un-educational" experience. In my case, it just means sitting around, bumming the whole day.

Am I satisfied? No

Do I still want? Yeah, a lot actually...

Am I in desperate need of basic necessities? Not exactly...

So, right now, all I fear is "settling". I hate stagnation. Stagnation means I'm wasting time, and that's one thing I don't have a lot of. I fear becoming like my sister. I don't want to settle for what could be easily attained. I want to blaze my way to glory. No, I don't mean Alexander-ish or even 300-ish...I just want more but right now, I'm unwilling to do anything about it. I don't want to end up breaking a sweat for what I want to have...not a great philosophy if you ask me. It's not doing me any good.

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