Sunday, February 17, 2008

breathing but not really...

What do people call a stae of mind where everything seems to be trapped in such stasis that your mind races forward and everything gets left behind? Much like an out of body experience but without the feeling of separation. It's like you're still trapped in your corporeal form yet your brain functions out of it. What ideas your head thinks up is beyond the "here and now" of your body.

I've been having these experiences the past few days. Wherein I think ahead yet I am unable to piece together the ideas needed to bridge my plans for the future and my current reality. I'm not a selfish person, I want to succeed for my family. I want my parents to have it all. I want to be able to provide for my family in the most grand fashion. Understand me when I say that I don't dream of allowing them to live in excess (although that wouldn't be such a bad thing) but more in the terms of absolute comfort and security.

Why then does it seem that reality itself is hellbent on my failure? Are my dreams not justified? Am I asking for too much? Maybe yes...but hearing stories of such grand conquests makes me foam at the mouth. Makes want to taste success even more.

Alas, dreams of paradise are just that for one such as me...dreams.

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