Friday, December 30, 2005

on patience and longing...

Whew! That was a pretty long wait before I found the time to update! I'm feeling much better now...I mean, after that meanstreak that made me write my last post. Don't get me wrong, things aren't peachy around here, it's just that things have made a turn for the better.

I find it amusing that my blogging schedule is closely knit with my clothes-washing schedule. I usually update on the same day I do my laundry. How weird is that??!!!

Well, my older brother is coming home tomorrow. So I guess it's going to be a hectic but nice day. As usual, I'll have to cook something special but it's ok since it's new year's eve.

I'll be back on campus soon. I'm kinda excited, this could very well be my last term. I really hope I finish everything before summer ends. I wanna get a job within the year.

Okay, things are getting too serious (serious=boring hahahaha) I'm also excited about planning my brother's wedding. He'll be home an extra two times this year. Just to smooth things out before the big day on January 2007. I enjoy doing this things...y'know? Fixing the menu, organizing the guest list, and come late September, taking charge of the RSVPs (I'm expecting a spike in my phonebill, from all the follow up calls, I'm saving up for that, bwahahahaha)

I'm expecting good things this new year and I'm hoping to make positive changes in my life. Here here! Let's toast to the new year and all the wonderful possibilities along with it! Cheers!

>hugs< everyone...

1 comment:

Deej Diaz said...

Happy Holidays Jowee!!!!! Keep sarcasm, irony and insanity alive!