Friday, May 18, 2007

bad blog...BAAAAD BLOG!

Time to see the power of media...and the power of stupidity as well.

I bet most of you have heard the recent news about Apple losing 4 billion dollars of capital revenue in just six minutes! Yes! FOUR FRIGGIN BILLION (that's a thousand million!!!) DOLLARS!

Apparently Engadget, a news blog, upon receiving an email from a trusted (not anymore...LOL) source, promptly posted on its site the details about delays in Apple releases. They went on to announce delays in the release of the iPhone and Apple's next generation OS the MacOS Leopard. After the post's release, the market reacted fairly quickly hence the $4B drop.

My suggestion: stop getting news or stock tips from second rate websites. If you'll take the time to read the comments posted on that specific news item, you'll see "smart" people questioning the validity of the report and actually taking the time to check on Apple's investor relations and press room web pages first. The rest of the morons who sold their stocks out of fear can be likened to herds of wilderbeasts who stampede upon any sudden movement. If you watch National Geographic or Animal Planet enough, you're very familiar with this scene: wilderbeasts drink from a watering hole, a flock of birds land to drink as well, wilderbeasts see movement coming from birds, wilderbeasts stampede out of the watering hole...SCARED OF A FEW FRIGGIN BIRDS!!!

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