Friday, May 25, 2007

playing with technology...

I'm playing around with mobile blogging right now. I'm not even sure this will post correctly. I've been unable to go online the past five days and it's starting to seriously grate on my nerves! So i'm trying to explore other mobile opportunities (beyond my handy-dandy notebook... Blame Blue's Clues! And my old phone-I miss my XDA mini!) I just found out that my dsl connection is working fine now but since my room still looks like a war zone, I can't sleep there. In the meanwhile, I just left my notebook running while iTunes finishes some (new songs, tons of podcasts, and the badass season finale of Heroes!) downloads. I wanted to look for episodes of "Blood Ties" but I guess that can wait. After all, I DID go through both Underworld DVDs today. Still, my vampire obsession is insatiable. I'm also keeping my eyes peeled for Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds (hence the picture) yum! I'm sooo getting the DVD! Oh well, I hope to see this posted properly when I go online later. For now, toodles from the land of mind-numbing boredom! Kiss kiss!

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