Friday, July 20, 2007

PSP news update (finally, something negative...)

The new "redesigned" PSP seems to good to be true. Alas, there is a flaw after all. Although the system has better looks and also maximizes the processor speed, the downside to it all is the sacrifice in battery life. What used to be 10 hours of usage (optimal conditions) have been cut in half to 5 hours! Forget about your usual PSP hogging time during your non-stop flight from Japan to New, you actually have to sleep part of the way and suffer through bad airplane movies!

Not to fret though, Sony has announced that the PSP slim is STILL compatible with the older generation battery module. The catch is, the old battery is indeed THICK compared to the new system. Sony plans on releasing a modified back plate (or cover...WHO KNOWS???) to augment the possible usage of the old battery and still allow your PSP to

Now the question that remains is: "DOES THIS BATTERY MAKE MY PSP LOOK FAT?"

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