Saturday, April 28, 2007

"holy" crap! pun intended...

I've been fussing over my esteemed iTunes playlists again (yeah, I'm anal about my music!) and I've stumbled onto a very disturbing (?) and surprising fact...I HAVE TONS OF CHRISTIAN ROCK MUSIC!!!

I mean I don't have anything against the genre per se but I'm in a very gray area right now regarding my faith. It doesn't make me feel dirty (hell no!) nor guilty to have this kind of music. I was just really surprised...I had no idea I even had these tracks. After I got rid of my Hillsong CDs (tons of them!!!) I really thought that was it.

I feel a little hypocritical listening to these tracks now, but their quality is undeniable. I still like these songs and have decided not to delete them. This is another thing to ponder a later time.

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