Tuesday, April 24, 2007

why Zach REALLY disappeared...

Y'all remember Zach (played by Thomas Dekker)? He was Claire's best friend in Heroes. If you're a fan of the series (much like me...) you have no doubt seen the endless online buzz about Zach's character being gay. Well. the executive producer of the show, Bryan Fuller, finally breaks the silence.

Fuller states that Zach's character was originally slated to be gay to showcase the variety that was inherent in the series. What with an African-American gallery manager, a hispanic artist that paints the future, couple of Japanese dudes, a French speaking Haitian, and an Indian geneticist; the show could pass as an advertisement for Benetton!?

The problem was, when the time came for Zach to admit he was gay (in a very "read between the lines" pre-prom speech) Thomas Dekker's management had issues with how playing a gay character would affect his career.

So alas, another one bites the dust...or should I say falls victim to homophobia.

Read the article HERE.

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