Thursday, April 12, 2007

openly gay teen bashed in Colorado...

Damn! I really do not understand gay bashings! I mean...WHY?! I get it that some people don't like gay people and others simply don't understand but that doesn't give anyone the right to inflict physical harm on another person! Are straight guys afraid of gay men? Why the violence? What's the deal?

Anthony Hergesheimer was assaulted by six fellow students after leaving school last Thursday. Anthony, a 15 year old student in Pueblo, Colorado was followed by his attackers in a car and continued to harass him while on the street calling him anti-gay names. One of the six students finally got off the car and threw an aerosol spray bottle at Anthony fracturing his cheeckbone and breaking his nose.

The victim's mother, Teresa Ornelas should be lauded for supporting her son, saying: "I'm very upset. Yeah, my son is gay. But that shouldn't matter. He should be proud of who he is." She also thinks that the police are not treating the case with the utmost importance adding: "I think it's taking too long. I don't understand why there have been no
arrests. The boys have admitted to assaulting my son. My son has
identified them all. Everyone knows about it, and they're still walking
around free."

The six boys have been temporarily suspended but the school has yet to decide whether to expel them or not. Meanwhile, Anthony is scheduled to have reconstructive surgery done on his face.

It's nice to know though that Anthony has remained positive and brave throughout this hanious act saying: "You shouldn't be afraid to be who you are. Of course there will be
people who won't agree with you. But you shouldn't be scared to be who
you are."

As for me, I honestly think expelling the bigots who did this is a no-brainer! It doesn't matter if the crime is a gay-bashing or otherwise. Viloence should never be tolerated in schools!

Much thanks to Towleroad for keeping these kind of news available on the net.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is messed up. Keep your head up and dont let people get you down. People are stupid and think they are better than everyone else all you have to do is stay stronger than them. In the end they are the ones looking stupid.