Wednesday, February 14, 2007

as the day comes to a close...

Singles' Awareness Day (popularly know as SAD) is almost coming to and end. Tomorrow will find a lot of singles happy, refreshed, glad THAT is finally over and a lot of couples with surprisingly lowered expectations.

In this day when humanity finds itself consuming vast amounts of flowers (making the bees, wasps, and oh - the butterflies as well - very very angry) for no apparent reason than to fool members of the opposite sex, third sex, or even the sexually deluded minority into thinking one is worthy of a good shag, a hot lay, effing sex...there are a lot of terms y'know?! So we all should pause for a while and think things over. From a very clandestine and abhorrent affair back when the Romans ruled the "civilized" world to a commercialized business (running in the millions of dollars) nowadays, what do we get out of Valentine's?

The materialistic would say "chocolates and flowers", the romantics would say "a chance at finding love" or perhaps we should go with the realists (or down to earth honest people...if I could say so myself) admitting "I'm just in it for the sex, or torrid kissing (the type with tongues involved) at the least". From these definitions, it appears that the question has transformed itself into one of base morality. No need to get into that, right chaps?

It doesn't matter now. Last I checked there's only an hour and thirty minutes left before SAD finally ends. Now we find ourselves with a full year to think about it once more. A year, I hope, that would lead to better conclusions and better reasoning as well. As for me, just like I did today, I will not celebrate Valentine's day, I'm not doing so because of personal, deep-seated reasons.

It IS for the environment after all that I make this (ehem ehem) ultimate sacrifice.

I leave you with this:

Had some sense knocked into you now? Well...


is not a heart darling...

Now this...
is what a heart really looks like.

Not at all romantic, is it?

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