Monday, February 19, 2007


No...I'm not hearing voices. I'm not THAT weird!

It's just amazing how many ideas, notions, thoughts and decisions pass through our heads with each second. We always say our minds are accustomed to change and we are very adaptable because of this. My theory is, people are just simply fickle minded.

Yeah. It's no mystery. We're just looking for fancy words and noble reasons to justify our actions. For example, you need to buy an item (assuming of course, that you're not a compulsive buyer) we tend to look around first. We make sure we get the "best value" for our money. The same goes with everything else.

We have this idea that we only deserve the best and we shouldn't settle for anything less. Another testament to human pride. We envelope our selves in this perfect and wonderful illusion. We dream so much that we forget where reality ends and our dreamscape begins.

Another reason for our never ending delusion is hope. Hope is nothing but an idea we cling to when it becomes clear that nothing will go right. When we succeed, we thank ourselves for being hopeful. Lets set a scenario that proves there is no such thing as hope.

During the 9/11 attacks in New York, 2602 people died (bodies found) adn only a handful survived. Adam Mayblum was on of the lucky survivors and he is heavy into the idea that the heroism of the people involved is amazing. We could just imagine how he must've felt during the incident. We must also accept the fact that it is easy to sound heroic once the details are coming out of your mouth. He must've hoped at some given time that he wouldn't die right then and there. He might have even prayed to his god. He must be thankful right now...cherishing his life more.

Well, how about the other 2602 people, and not mentioning the 4 people that are still "missing"? I would expect that they too prayed and hoped that they would survive. So does this mean that hope is as fickle as we are? It's much easier to summize that there is no such thing as hope. It is not a tangible idea, a mere figment of our imaginations.

Wake up. Smell reality wafting through the air.

"Unfortunately, no one can be shown what the matrix is..." - Morpheus (The Matrix, duh?!)

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